5 Ways To Reduce The Likelihood Of RSI

5 Tips To Prevent RSI

We all spend far too long sitting at computers or even sending messages on our smart phones these days! The fine movements of our hand, fingers, elbows and shoulders can place unnecessary strain on our muscular and nervous systems. Here are five exercises to reduce the likelihood of RSI related pain. Keep your neck moving as […]

Arthritis: Four of the best exercises to relieve stiff and painful joints

Arthritis and similar joint conditions affect more than 10 million people in the UK, according to the NHS. Symptoms include joint pain, tenderness and stiffness, inflamed joints and restricted movement. There’s currently no cure for the condition, but symptoms can be relieved through simple lifestyle changes, like exercising. Exercise is crucial for people with arthritis, according […]

Hassle-free ways to improve your diet that you won’t even notice

It’s official! A bad diet is really the world’s deadliest health risk. Eating unhealthily accounts for a fifth of all deaths, and claims more lives than smoking because of its links to heart disease, cancer and diabetes, researchers say. But in a time filled with confusing contradicting tips and health hypes such as flexitarian, vegan […]

Can exercise reverse the ageing process?

While many in their 80s and 90s may be starting to take it easy, 85-year-old track star Irene Obera is at the other end of the spectrum. Setting multiple world athletics records in her age category, she is one of a growing band of “master athletes” who represent the extreme end of what is physically […]

Case Study-Skiing Injury

Pencil case and notepad on chair

Mr L came to see us following a skiing injury which lead to a fractured tibia (the lower leg). He was immobilised in a cast and then commenced physiotherapy. Having been kept still for so many weeks, the swelling and bruising that inevitably formed from the trauma, gets in and around the joints. The ankle […]

5 Tips on Exercising With Osteoarthritis

5 Tips on Exercising With Osteoarthritis

It can be tricky knowing what to do in terms of exercise when suffering symptoms of osteoarthritis in the knee, as exercise can be counterintuitive when there is pain.As the knee is a very flat joint, it relies considerably on muscle strength for some of its stability.  If muscle strength is diminished, then inevitably stability will […]

What should our maximum heart rate be during exercise?

You have your trainers on, your FitBit is charged, but now what? When you exercise, your heart and breathing rates increase, delivering greater quantities of oxygen from the lungs to the blood, then to exercising muscles. Determining an optimal heart rate for exercise depends on your exercise goal, age, and current fitness level. Heart rate […]

Shelley goes rowing!

Shelley gives some top tips on using the rower when in the Gym. Make sure you keep your back straight! Exercise

Shelley does the plank!!

The Plank is one of the most popular exercises for your core strength! Shelley advises on how to perform this properly!

Tennis Elbow

Unhappy Black man in t-shirt suffers her elbow joint pain or arm bone osteoporosis, pinched nerve

This is the most common injury relating to tennis. This is often caused by faulty technique or the use of a racket that is either too heavy or the grip width is unsuitable. The tendons attaching the muscle to the elbow become inflamed and painful. Consult your tennis coach if you are starting to experience […]